If you need assistance above and beyond what you can find below – fill out our “needs help” form.
Great Resources If You Need Assistance
Below is a list of local, state, and federal programs that may be of use for those facing difficult situations. Please note that by selecting these links you will be redirected from the T&E Care website. We have provided these links as a service to those seeking extra help.
Note: T&E Care does not endorse the views expressed, or the facts presented, on these sites. Further, T&E Care does not endorse any commercial products that may be advertised or available on these sites.
General Assistance
- panavigate.org – PA Navigate connects Pennsylvanians with health and social care services in their local community, including food, housing, utilities, transportation and more.
- AARP Foundation – helping seniors (50+) and others with food and housing insecurity, tax assistance, employment assistance, etc.
- Chester County Resources – this offers a list of resources of assistance in Chester County
- FindHelp.org – Find free or reduced-cost resources like food, housing, financial assistance, health care, and more. Search by zipcode. Lots of resources listed.
- 211 SEPA A list of many resources in Southeast PA. Call 866-964-7922 or just call 211 for assistance! If you are sleeping in a vehicle (or just sleeping outside, or you are fleeing domestic violence, or you are at risk of losing your current housing, Chester County has services to help.
- What is welfare? A great summary to understand the basics of welfare
- Modestneeds.org A national non-profit offering one-time assistance to families with difficult situations (in the $750-$1,000 range), application required, any type of bill can be covered (utility, housing, car repair, medical, etc.)
- Chester County Assistance Office (Public Welfare) Assistance for food stamps, child care, medical assistance etc; 610-466-1000 or 888-814-4698 (faxes should be sent to 610-466-1055 or 610-466-1083)
- Chester County Department of Human Services Info on drug/alcohol services, mental health services, children/youth/families services, aging services, etc. 610-344-6640.
- COMPASS Info on getting benefits for health and human services in PA; helps with childcare, medical assistance, food stamps, etc.
- Orion Communities – Orion offers hope to neighbors experiencing hardship by building bridges that lead to self reliance. They are located in Phoenixville but will help in the general Chester County area. Call 610-415-1140 with questions.
- The Salvation Army for Chester Co residents 610-696-8746
- Women’s Resource Center Provides information and referrals for women who are in crisis or transition, located in Wayne
- FEMA Helps families in emergency situations
- Chester County Dept of Social Services Offers services for residents of Chester County
- American Red Cross General help for disaster relief
- TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) Provides short-term assistance to low-income families and individuals; participants must agree to, sign, and follow through on an Agreement of Mutual Responsibility outlining a plan to find permanent employment.
- Benefits.com Explanation of the various government benefits and which ones you may be eligible to receive.
- Clarifi A GREAT resource that lists all sorts of agencies that offer various types of assistance to local families who are veterans. There are links for assistance related to housing, shelters, clothing, legal assistance, etc.
- North Star of Chester County – North Star of Chester County, formerly Interfaith Housing Assistance Corporation of Chester County, guides Chester County’s single working parents with dependent children, who are at risk of homelessness, toward stability and financial independence. We help our participant families remain in clean, safe, affordable housing as they work to secure their future through a structured program of financial assistance, mentoring and supportive services. Families MUST be working.
Medical Assistance
- The Children’s Dental Clinic serves TESD students (as well as other districts) who qualify for free dental care. The service is offered in an office located in T/E Middle School. If you have a student in the TESD who needs dental assistance, please check this out. See your child’s guidance counselor.
- Community Health and Dental Care (Pennsylvania Dental Association) is a great option If you need low cost health and dental care and live in Chester County. It’s located in Pottstown, has good hours (weekends too), and offers lots of different services at reasonable rates. You do need to show proof of income. For details, call 610-326-7405 for dental care and 610-326-9460 for medical care.
- Abraham and Goldie Cohen Dental Center at Harcum College (for any age):
- Anyone can come to the clinic from anywhere.
- Services for the Clinic are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment call 610-526-6113 or email dentalclinic@harcum.edu
- The cost is predicated on age: Older than 55 – $10; Younger than 55- $30; Children, adolescents, and college students- $20
- Services include an exam, x-rays if needed, cleaning, and general screening (like blood pressure check, etc).
- Free parking is available. The Bryn Mawr train station is also next to the campus.
- Payments can be made by cash or check.
- Surrey Services (good for folks 55+):
- To participate, you must be a member of Surrey (current membership is $35/year (2018) but that may be increasing a little.
- Surrey membership is open to those age 55+.
- The dental program at Surrey is actually provided by Community Volunteers in Medicine (CVIM)
- Surrey has a dental office in their building in Devon. The hygienist is there 1Xweek (we think on Fridays) and the dentist is there 1Xmonth.
- In order to participate, the person must meet the following income requirement:
- Below $48,500 (1 person in household)
- Between $48,501-$65,000 (2 people in household)
- First appointment is with the hygienist. The appointments are handled by Mary LaPera who is Director of Member Services. It sounds like it usually takes at least a couple weeks to get on the schedule. The hygienist does a full set of Xrays, dental exam, and cleaning. If there are any issues, the patient is referred to the dentist and makes an appointment through Mary.
- The dentist can do fillings and simple extractions and can write prescriptions as needed. More complicated cases are referred to CVIM in West Chester.
- This is all free!
- FAMILYWIZE Prescription Savings Card is a discount prescription program available to anyone regardless of insurance status and is accepted by approximately 60,000 retail pharmacies nationwide. A card can be downloaded from the website or there is an App for your phone. There is no application fee or enrollment process. Present the card to a pharmacist and receive an average discount from list price of 40%. Someone with insurance can present both the insurance card and the FamilyWize card to the pharmacist and accept the lower of the two prices. There is no use limitation. The FamilyWize site also provides a tool to search for pharmacy providing the lowest cost of a prescription drug by zip code.
- Chester County Prescription Discount Card is a free prescription drug discount card you can apply for if you live in Chester County and need help with medicines. It offers savings of about 20% off the retail price. It is accepted at more than 100 pharmacies in the county. Call 877-321-2651
- GoodRX is a good website to compare the cost of prescription drugs in your location. It shows the importance of shopping around for all your medicines!
- Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying families get certain prescription medicines at discount or free. Call 888-477-2669.
Assistance with a Cancer Diagnosis
- Bringing Hope Home – a non-profit in Wayne that helps families burdened by cancer; must be nominated online by a member of their oncology team; available only to those living in the Delaware Valley area. (Formerly called Great Guys.)
- Nancy Cares offers free mammograms to those who are uninsured. Available at UPenn’s local facilities. Call 610-902-1800 (Radnor) or 610-576-7550 (Chesterbrook/Valley Forge) to make an appointment through this program.
- Linda Creed Breast Cancer.org offers free screening and diagnostic mammograms and is affiliated with Paoli Hospital and other local hospitals
- OneRun Together provides financial assistance to local cancer patients undergoing treatment. Must live in Berks or Chester County to apply.
- Unite for Her offers support for women with breast cancer
- Living Beyond Breast Cancer supports women with breast cancer
- Cancer Care helps families with treatment-related costs, such as transportation, home care, and child care.
- Cancer Support Community of Greater Philadelphia offers various programs to support all those impacted by cancer.
- Paoli Cancer Center Free Wig Program provides individualized wig fitting sessions, patients do not have to be treated at Paoli to receive a free wig; make an appointment to be seen, 484-565-1600
- For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation assists adult cancer patients, their caregivers and loved ones.
- Rachel’s Helping Hands Cancer Foundation provides financial assistance to cancer patients who can’t afford co-pays and other medical costs related to treatment
- Team Continuum is dedicated to helping cancer patients of all ages and with all types of cancer. They help minimize the burdens of everyday life by providing immediate and vital assistance for non-medical essentials such as paying rent and utility bills so the family can focus on crucial medical care. Call 917-595-4169 or email support@teamcontinuum.net with questions.
- Cleaning for a Reason is a non-profit offering house cleaning support to those who have cancer
- Cuddle My Kids provides in-home support for cancer patients and their families
- The Breathing Room provides care and support to local families affected by cancer
- Lisa’s Army offers care packages to cancer patients
General Medical Care for Adults & Kids
- The Clinic in Phoenixville serves the uninsured and under-insured.
- Medicaid provides medical insurance for those unable to buy their own coverage.
- Community Volunteers in Medicine provides medical and dental support to uninsured and under-insured in Chester County.
General Medical Care, Especially for Kids
- United Healthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) provides grants to families to help pay for child health care services that are above and beyond what is covered by the normal insurance. The child MUST be covered by parent’s commercial insurance plan (not Medicaid or CHIP) to be eligible. Grants up to $5,000 are awarded. Applications must be completed on-line.
- Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) offers access to health insurance to all kids up to age 19, regardless of family income.
Counseling, Mental Illness, Chemical Dependency, Etc.
- Gaudenzia works with people affected by chemical dependency, mental illness, and related conditions
- Daemion Counseling Center provides short and long-term counseling for those who cannot afford traditional therapy fees, located next to T/E Middle School
- ARCH (Area Residents Caring and Helping) is a resource for families, in and around Tredyffrin and Easttown, who need help with drug and alcohol abuse
- DART (Drug Alcohol Recovery Team) at Berwyn United Methodist Church; call the church office for more details 610-644-5555 x 0.
- Chester County CHADD chapter (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) provides information on local programs and support groups
- Suicide Assistance Centers Chester County Crisis/Valley Creek Crisis Center (610-918-2100, 24 hr mobile crisis hot line); Warm Line (866-846-2722, support for mental health issues); Creative Health Services (Spring City, 610-948-6490); Fellowship Health Resources (Phoenixville, 610-415-9301); Human Services, Inc (West Chester, 610-430-6141)
- Domestic Violence Center of Chester County offers assistance to victims of domestic abuse. It includes a 24-hour hotline, legal services, etc.
Education Assistance
- One of the most important goals you’ll reach in life is your high school education. If you didn’t graduate from high school and you want to get your GED – there are some helpful tips here.
- A GREAT source of free educational tutoring videos covering many topics including math, science, finance, grammar and history
- ESF Dream Camp in Bryn Mawr offers after-school and summer camp programs to economically disadvantaged kids; must be nominated by teachers, 610-581-7100
- The Pennsylvania Department of Education offers the Pennsylvania Learns program through the iTunes U app that provides a collection of state standards-aligned educational resources online and free of charge for Pennsylvania’s students grades 6 through 8 in math, algebra I and biology, and grades 9 through 12 in English language arts. Each module includes lectures, assignments, books, quizzes and syllabi students can use as an on-demand resource for understanding and studying course work. To use the Pennsylvania Learns program, search for the free “iTunes U” in the App Store using an iOS device.
- Click HERE for a information and resources specific to college assistance.
Food Assistance
- For a complete list of all food pantries in Chester County, as well as places to get hot meals in Chester County – you can download it here (2024)
- For more detailed information on local food banks, click HERE.
- WIC (Women, Infants, & Children) is a PA Dept of Health program that offers subsidies for food for pregnant moms, babies, and children up to age 5; income requirements; call 800-WIC-WINS.
- County Assistance Office helps families needing food stamps and other forms of assistance
- Food Stamp (SNAP) information and includes on-line application, 800-692-7462
- National School Lunch Program applications for free/reduced lunch for low-income families. You can apply directly on the TESD website as well.
- Deacon’s Pantry (Malvern), food pantry, 2nd and 4th Wednesday and Saturday, 610-648-0707
- Main Line Meals on Wheels provides 2 meals/day for elderly, home-bound, and handicapped persons in our communities.
- Phoenixville Area Community Services offers food and other assistance for Phoenixville residents only. 610-933-1105, 257 Church St, Phoenixville, call 610-933-1105 for appointment
- The Surrey Cafe in Devon (part of Surrey Services for Seniors) offers healthy nutritious lunches to area seniors Monday – Friday for $7 per person for a regular meal, or $ for a light lunch or a Grab n Go meal (must be ordered by 10am). Check the Devon calendar for the daily menu. It is located at 60 Surrey Way in Devon. Call 610-647-6404 with any questions.
- Wayne Senior Center offers inexpensive and nutritious lunches to area seniors Monday – Fridays for a suggested donation of $2.50 per person. Free registration for the meal program. Currently, lunches are served on a to go basis, pick-ups are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 – 2:00 pm. It is located at 108 Station Rd, Wayne, PA. Please call 610-688-6246 with any questions or to register.
Philly Food Rescue has a lot of food resources.
Assistance With Utilities
- LIfeLIne is a program to help low-income families with phone, internet, and/or cable bills. If you qualify for this support you might get all 3 of these services totally free.
- Helping Hand Aqua PA’s low-income assistance program; offers programs and assistance for families needing help with water bills; household income must be less than 200% of the poverty level, account must be more than 21 days past due, and customer must have at least $110 in unpaid water bills; call 800-360-2998
- Peco Assistance Programs includes MEAF (Matching Energy Assistance Fund), CAP Rate (lower rate for low-income families), CARES Services, LIHEAP (assists with low-income bills, program runs November through early Spring) 800-344-3574 , and other programs. Many can be reached at 800-774-7040. For MEAF call 800-403-6806. MEAF is especially important when you have a shut-off notice.
- Energysaver.gov provides tips on how to save on your energy bills
- Safelink free cell phones for low-income families, government assistance program
- Internet Essentials a low-cost program for low-income families who need internet. The program is run by Comcast. If certain required qualifications are met you can receive internet connections in your home for as little as $10/mo. The site includes free tips on how to use the internet to find a job and to do homework, as well as how to avoid viruses.
Housing Assistance
- Family Promise of the Main Line – helps with homelessness and housing assistance in the general Main Line area. (was formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network)
- Rental Assistance Tips – check here for some tips on renting your next place
- Hope and Door – if you are facing homelessness, please check this organization out.
- Home of the Sparrow provides housing and supportive services to single women, women with children, and senior women 55+ who want to improve their lives and become self-sufficient. There are a number of good programs to offer; you must live in Chester County to qualify.
- Bridge of Hope for those in Lancaster or Chester County only; an organization that helps homeless single moms and their children by helping them find permanent housing, stability and access to resources in their community.
- Chester County’s Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. The partnership conducts in-depth assessments of individuals and families throughout Chester County who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. They work with community agencies to identify services offered and aid people in finding the most appropriate fit for their housing needs; call 800-935-3181.
- Housing Partnership of Chester County helps with low-to-moderate income residents of Chester County who are first time home buyers, need one-time utility assistance, need home rehab assistance, etc. Call 610-518-1522.
- Chester County Housing Authority for information on Section 8 housing help or call 610-436-9200
- Good Works helps low-income families in Chester County with housing repairs
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD) works with Section 8 issues and other housing issues (foreclosure, rental assistance, etc.); local office can be reached at 610-436-9200
- Friends Association helps homeless families with children and homeless single women
- St. Mary’s Franciscan Shelter, Phoenixville, families only
- Safe Harbor of Chester County, West Chester for homeless men and women (also a location in Coatesville)
Legal, Employment and Financial/Budgeting Assistance
- Philadelphia Bar Association offers free legal advice to residents of Philadelphia and the surrounding counties the third Wednesday of every month, from 5pm-8pm. It’s all done by calling the hotline at 215-238-6333. Any aspect of the law can be discussed including family law, landlord-tenant law, worker’s compensation.
- Women’s Resource Center provides legal information and referrals for women who are in crisis or transition, located in Wayne
- Crime Victims Compensation Assistance provides legal assistance to PA victims of crimes. Victims may be able to receive compensation for medical expenses, including counseling.
- Clear Point Financial Solutions provides credit counseling; income requirements, 877-422-9045
- Open Hearth, Inc offers help with budgeting for families in Chester County, call 610-792-9282
- Housing Partnership of Chester County helps low-income families in Chester County with credit counseling
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance – do you need help doing your income tax? This group offers free tax help to those who qualify due issues related to income, disability, limited English, etc.
Assistance for “Over 55 Seniors”
- Surrey Services helps senior citizens (over 55) in Chester and Delaware Counties – FREE rides to doctor/shopping/other, $7 lunches, free activities and social events, exercise facilities, and much more. Small yearly fee to join and then you are good! (Ask for assistance with that fee if needed!)
- Living Independently For the Elderly (LIFE) provides assorted links to help elderly PA residents get assistance.
- Paoli Hospital offers a Senior Care Line, staffed with social workers to help those 65 and older connect with physician referrals, social and behavior health support (including caregiver and dementia support), in-home care, community resources, and educational and screening programs. Call 484-580-1234 to get this help.
- Wayne Senior Center, a wonderful place for activities, programs, socialization and support, 610-688-6246.
- Chester County Aging Services (West Chester), provides a variety of services for Chester Co residents age 60 and older, 800-692-1100.
- Benefits CheckUp A free service of the National Council on Aging (NCOA), a nonprofit service and advocacy organization in Washington, DC. Great resource for those 55 and older to get extra help with bills.
- AARP retirement calculator – quickly estimates how much you’ll have saved up and how much you’ll need for retirement.
- T Rowe Price retirement calculator – estimates how much you can spend monthly to make your money last to age 95.
- Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCACares.org) – links to information and help offered to senior citizens in Philadelphia. While much of the information on this site is just for Philadelphia residents, there is some that applies to senior citizens throughout the state.
- Housing Partnership of Chester Co helps with home maintenance projects for homeowners 65+; income requirements, 610-518-1522.
- National Council on Aging resources for those 55+ in our community. Call 800-677-1116 or fill out email on the website.
- Great Valley Senior Center Great Valley School District region; this is a great place to turn for socialization and support. Call them at 610-889-2121 for more details.
- Trinity House an apartment for low income senior citizens (62+) and disabled (18+). Your rent is 30% of your social security payment and the rest is subsidized, located at 15 Leopard Rd in Berwyn, 134 units – some 1 and 2 BR, there is often a 2-3 year waiting list –sign up to get on the list; the application period is Sept 1-Oct 31, call 610-296-3337 or email trinityhouse@pennrose.com. It is part of the Penrose group.
- French Creek is a 62-older apartment complex located in Phoenixville. Here is an application for acceptance. There is often a waiting list so apply now and get on the list! It is part of the Pennrose group, just like Trinity House.
- Mary Taylor House – this is another 62-older apartment complex and this is located in West Chester. This is also part of the Pennrose group.
- Hankin Manor Apartments – these are affordable apartments in Phoenixville, for residents 62+.
- Social Security estimator – using bare-bones information, helps to make calculations for the best age for claiming Social Security benefits.
- Housing Partnership of Chester County offers heating assistance for senior citizens
Children and Childcare Assistance
- If you need help covering the cost of preschool for your TESD child, then let us know and we’ll hook you up with FLITE, a local organization that can lend a hand here. Additionally FLITE may be able to help cover the cost of the morning/afternoon enrichment program offered at the 5 local elementary schools for qualified kindergarten students, as well as after-school homework programs for qualified students in grades 1-6.
- YMCA‘s Ways to Save provides reduced rate membership options, either though financial assistance of discounted memberships.
- Youth Mentoring Partnership is a fitness based mentoring program offered the Upper Main Line Y for students in 6th-12th grades. Mentors help youth develop work ethic, mental toughness and goal-setting skills. Students must apply to be in this program.
- Maternity Care Coalition works with moms with all sorts of childcare issues, located in Norristown
- Website for free diapers and other baby items
- Paoli Presbyterian Church – Freebies for Babies Shop – in the Frazer Village Shopping Center (corner of Rt 30/352); open Saturdays 10-12; free toys, strollers, books, games, kids and maternity clothes; call Susan Mayes 610-251-9742 with questions.
- Birthright helps families with resources related to babies. Call 610-436-0773. 112 S. High St., West Chester, and are generally open M-Th, 9am-3pm. Baby clothes, diapers, and other resources.
- STOP bullying website set up by the Tredyffrin Police with good tips here for parents. Information about drug/alcohol info on Drug/Substance Information and Addiction Resources.
Transportation Assistance
- Ride Rover transportation assistance to elderly or persons with disabilities call, 610-594-3911
- Mercy Medical Airlift arranges transportation to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis or treatment for families in need.
- Medical Assistance Transportation Program if you receive medical assistance you might qualify for transportation to/from health care providers.
- SEPTA (Southeastern PA Transportation Authority) train and bus schedules information; also information related to discounts for senior citizens.
- Surrey Services (Devon) offers free rides to local residents, 55 and older. You must be a member of Surrey but that only costs under $50/yr.
Clothing, Household Items or Furniture Assistance
- Community Warehouse Project of Chester County – offers free furniture to county residents in need at the CWP Warehouse in West Chester. For more details go to the CWP website. Questions call 484-473-4360. (NOTE: Individuals can NOT just go to CWP without a referral, so if you need help, contact us first and we’ll work with you to give you that referral.)
- Free Store FREE furniture and household items run by the United Methodist church 350 West State Street in Media. Hours vary but often they are open 12-4. Closed Tue and Thur. Email freestore@transitiontownmedia.org with any questions.
- First Presbyterian Church (West Chester), 610-696-0554, free clothing for newborns through age 14.
- Goodwill sells clothing and other items at low prices; have multiple locations in the area including Berwyn (610-644-2533), Frazer (610-647-2740) and Phoenixville (610-917-0095)
- Salvation Army Thrift Shop (West Chester), 610-692-0380, sells clothing and furniture
- Wings for Success (Frazer) clothing for women going on job interviews; requires referral by supporting agency (call us first – we might be able to refer you)
- Birthright maternity and baby clothes up to 9 months, by appointment, Pottstown (610-327-2626) or West Chester (610-436-0773)
- Team Children in Audubon used computers are refurbished and sold at low cost to families in the Philadelphia area.
- Check out the New Life Thrift Shop at the Church of Good Samaritan in Paoli. The thrift shop sells items donated by parishioners and others, and funds go to outreach missions helping families in need both locally and abroad. New Life Thrift Shop is open Tuesday through Friday 10 am – 4 pm, and Saturdays 10 am – 1 pm. The prices are reasonable.
- Paoli Presbyterian Church, if you have specific furniture needs call the church at 610-644-8250 and ask for Doris; they MIGHT be able to help you out.
- Freecycle, an online free yard sale
- Craig’s List often has items donated for free
- Post your need on facebook or another similar site – and you may find a number of people who have those items to offer.
- Platos Closet – in Paoli – they have good quality clothes for middle school and older at a reasonable price.
- For furniture, clothing, toys, sporting goods and books, check out St. David’s Episcopal Church in Wayne. They hold an annual country fair & auction on the first Saturday in October and the prices are very reasonable.
If you have an emergency need and you’ve tried these other sites to no avail, then send a note to us at tecarehelp@gmail.com and we’ll see if we can come up with a plan. Thank you.
Random Types of Assistance
TAX FILING ASSISTANCE – The law requires everyone to file a tax return each year. To receive many state/county benefits, and to qualify for financial aid (for college costs) you must be able to show a tax return. You don’t need to pay to get help doing this. There are often free tax assistance programs at your local libraries and other local sites offered in February through April each year. (These are by appointment only and fill up fast, so be sure to start to check in January when they are posted.) AARP offers tax assistance for low- and moderate-income taxpayers. Check their website or call 888-227-7669 (toll free). Also for those over 60 you can get help from the Tax Counseling for the Elderly program and for those who make $54,000 or less, you can get help through a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. Both are IRS-certified programs. NOTE: Many of these sessions fill up FAST so don’t delay if you want the help.
MUSIC INSTRUMENT RENTAL – if your child attends a Tredyffrin/Easttown School District school and would like to be part of the school band or orchestra, talk to your child’s guidance counselor to learn how you could get assistance with the costs related to renting an instrument. This is applicable for students in grades 3-12.
GRAPHING CALCULATORS – if your Conestoga High School student needs assistance in obtaining a graphing calculator, check with his/her counselor to learn about a program that will help.
The mission of T&E Care is to maintain a network of people providing short-term financial and other material assistance to persons in need who live in and around the Tredyffrin and Easttown township areas.
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T&E Care is an IRS recognized non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. The official registration and financial information of Tredyffrin & Easttown Care may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.