Donate with a Credit Card/PayPal

If you would like to make a donation using a credit card or directly with your PayPal account click on the Donate button below and you will be directed to PayPal to make this transaction.

Please note:

  • You do NOT need a PayPal account to make this donation, any major credit card will work.
  • T&E Care will NOT be given any of your personal credit card information.
  • T&E Care should get your address and email so we can send a thank you note.  If you aren’t sure, then send us an email with that info just so we have it.  That email can come to
  • If you want to make this a monthly donation, there is a box on the paypal site (Donate Button below) – you just check that box (Make this a monthly donation) and you’ll be all set!

PayPal/credit cards charge a 2.35% processing fee for each dollar donated.  If you would like 100% of your donation to go to T&E Care, please add this fee to your donation.  You can pay by check as well to avoid the fees.

Donate with your Venmo App

If you have a Venmo app on your phone – you can make a donation to T&E Care using that app.  Go to @TECARE  —  Our logo is:  The last 4 digits of our phone number are 1068. IMPORTANT NOTE – if you are new to T&E Care, we need your email to send a note of thanks.  Venmo does not provide it.  Please send us an email at to alert us of your donation so you can be properly thanked.

If you don’t have a Venmo account and want to open one – you can learn about this option by clicking here.  Please note that the account is set up immediately if you link it to your debit account, or it can take 2-3 days if you link it to a bank account.  If you link it to your credit card, then there is a fee to use it for each transaction. Thanks for any support you can offer.


Donate with a check​

If you’d rather make a donation the old fashion way – checks can be made payable to T&E Care, and mail it to our address:  T&E Care, PO Box 2111, Southeastern, PA 19399.  If you are making a payment or donation for a particular purpose (ie: the holiday drive), then please note that on the memo line. Thanks again for your support.

If you made a donation and need a tax donation form, you can find one by clicking here.

Financial Donations

Consider staying local with your donation

If you would be willing to make a donation to T&E Care – we would very much appreciate your support!  Besides the usual Venmo, credit card/Paypal, or check options, there are a number of other ways to donate.

  • Don’t forget about matching gifts! Many companies offer this option. If you can double your donation this way we’d certainly appreciate it.
  • If you wish to make your donation via United Way, our official name is Tredyffrin & Easttown Care and our code is #14793079.
  • You can sign up for monthly donations through Paypal.
  • You can talk with your employer about “employee giving” programs.
  • If you are of the age that needs to take the Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA or 401(k), T&E Care is a perfect idea for you. You might be able to reduce your reported gross income and save money on your Medicare Part B and part D premiums by making a Qualified Charitable Distribution directly to T&E Care. Your financial institution can work with you to make this easy contribution to T&E Care. Our EIN is 04-3846699.
  • Donating stock options to T&E Care can be a great idea.  Check here for more details on how that works.
  • Donations in memory of someone, or in honor of someone, are a special way to recognize a person.  See below for more details on that.

Donations of any amount are appreciated. Questions related to donations should be sent to


 98% of all donations go to help families supported by T&E Care. Only a very small amount of our budget is for administrative expenses. We have no paid staff and no office expenses.
T&E Care is an IRS recognized non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. If needed the Employer Identification Number is 04-3846699.

Memorial, Honorary & Special Donations

You are welcome to make a donation in memory or in honor of someone, or as an alternative gift for someone. A notice of your donation will be mailed to the appropriate person to announce your caring gift. Or, if desired, we can send you a notice you can give to the person.

Donations should be made payable to T&E Care and mailed to the address above. Please include the name of the person you wish to remember or honor, and the name & address of the person you’d like to be notified of your donation. Write neatly please. NOTE: If you choose to make the donation through Pay Pal please send a separate email alerting us of the purpose of this donation. There is no box on the Pay Pal site that allows you to indicate this.

Two Donation Notes

Donations related to special events: At times the response of our community is greater than the particular need for which we are soliciting. In these cases, any amounts collected in excess of that need will go into general T&E Care funds to be used for other means of assistance to local families. Rest assured it will not go to waste (nor will it be used for any salaries or similar administrative expenses because we have only volunteers.).

Specifying your donations: Our mission is to help individuals and families in need in our local area. We welcome your advice or recommendations regarding the use of the donations, but, in accordance with IRS regulations, we must retain discretion over their ultimate use.

Donating Gift Cards & Other Special Items

During certain times of year T&E Care asks for donations of gift cards to help with the specific drives. With the School Supply Drive we like to give each family a few gift cards to help with the purchase of a new outfit or extra food to help with those first few breakfasts so the kids get off to a good start for the school year. With the Holiday we like to give each family a few gift cards so they can purchase a few gifts on their own. At other times of year being able to hand a family some gift cards to ease the pain when times are really tough can be very special. These cards might be used for food, gas, clothes for work. These are things we all take for granted.

If you are interested in something different, consider a gift card to dinner and/or the movies, or tickets to an event. Phillies baseball game, the Nutcracker Ballet and Devon Horse Show are examples of past donated items. Other items are magazine subscriptions and airline miles. These are extra special treats for a family.

Gift cards can be sent to T&E Care at the address above. Questions about other types of donations can be sent to us at information@tecare.orgNote: when purchasing gift cards, it is best to buy them to “normal” stores not specialty stores. We try to help a family with basic needs and the basic stores are best for that. 

The mission of T&E Care is to maintain a network of people providing short-term financial and other material assistance to persons in need who live in and around the Tredyffrin and Easttown township areas.



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T&E Care is an IRS recognized non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code.   The official registration and financial information of Tredyffrin & Easttown Care may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.


IMPORTANT NOTE** If you change your email address - please remember to notify us so we can keep you on our email list!!