T&E Care School Meal Assistance Program 2024/2025

Tredyffrin/Easttown School District families who have applied for free/reduced assistance for their children and have been denied support may qualify for the T&E Care program to help cover some of those breakfast and/or lunch costs.

Our program will help put extra money into each qualifying child’s meal account each month during the school year. The approved amounts for 2023/24 are: $40/mo/elementary child, $50/mo/middle school child, and $60/mo/CHS student.  Depending on when school ends in June – the amount deposited for the month of June may be adjusted.

To apply: Families must first apply for free/reduced assistance through the school district and receive an official denial letter. Then they can send in an application to our program (download below, or get it from your child’s counselor). We accept applications from families who make up to 300% of the federal poverty level (the free/reduced limit is 185%). We are willing to discuss short-term assistance for special situations above the 300% limit.

Please note that this program is only for families who:
  1. live in the T/E School District
  2. do not already receive funding through the free and reduced lunch program
  3. have income levels that fall within the guidelines on the application
  4. do not have high negative balances on their children’s point-of-sale accounts when submitting the application.

 If you have a question about the program email us at lunchhelp@tecare.org.

CLICK HERE to download the 2024/2025 T&E Care school meal assistance application.

FAQ about the Meal Assistance Program:

Who will qualify?  You must FIRST have applied for and been denied participation in the Free/Reduced Program run through the school district before applying for this program.  Students will be eligible based on household income. See income guidelines on our application. The T&E Care program is set to be a transition for families making just  too much money to qualify for free/reduced assistance.

How do I apply?  You must complete the attached confidential application and give it to a counselor.

Is there a deadline?  Applications can be submitted anytime during the school year (after August 20).

How is income confirmed?  The head of the household must certify with a signature that he/she is in compliance with the income guidelines described on the application. If you need an exception to these criteria – please contact us at lunchhelp@tecare.org.

How will my child(ren) receive the benefit?  For the 2024/2025 year qualified elementary students will receive $40/month, middle school students will receive $50/month, and CHS students will receive $60/month. (An exception is made in June when less than the full amount may be paid.). These deposits will be automatically made to the student’s point-of-sale account during the first week of each month.

Will my child get the money each month?  If your child does not use the funds over a few months and a positive balance starts to build up, then the funds will not be added until we see that the child is back to buying meals again.

What is the source of funding for T&E Care’s program?  Most of the funding comes from donations from community members who recognize the importance of healthy meals for all children.

Who will know that my child is getting this assistance?  The food service department will know, your child’s counselor and principal may know, and the T&E Care Board will know.  That’s it, unless you tell people.  We totally understand the need for privacy in this type of request.

Can the money be used for breakfast or lunch?  The funds can be used at your discretion for any food served by the TESD Food Services department.

Where should the application be submitted?  Applications should be given to your child’s counselor, who will notify you if your application is approved.  If you have more than one child (and/or more than one counselor) – just choose any one of the counselors.  (One application per household.)

Why must I first apply to the Free/Reduced Program before applying for the T&E Care program?  If you qualify for the Free/Reduced Program, it offers better assistance for your child’s meals, plus additional options for assistance for your child at school (dental assistance, field trip waivers, test application waivers, etc.).   If you can qualify for that program – it is better for your child(ren).

The mission of T&E Care is to maintain a network of people providing short-term financial and other material assistance to persons in need who live in and around the Tredyffrin and Easttown township areas.



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T&E Care is an IRS recognized non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code.   The official registration and financial information of Tredyffrin & Easttown Care may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.


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